watch bad teacher online megavideo,Certainly looked like him - a title and a concept started in Bad Santa (the one with Billy Bob Thornton), except a teacher played by Cameron Diaz, who I personally think that a less attractive face of all-star list women in Hollywood in recent times.
However, nothing in the movie that I have not seen (apart from Larry Crowne, resembling a snooze), I went with my sister, who was visiting the city and work in education, looking at her.
And you know what? Bad teachers is not a bad movie. Not great, some forgettable, but when all is said and done just over half the comedy entirely inappropriate that the experience of decent moments.
Diaz plays Elizabeth, a mean, selfish and bad high school teacher who wants nothing more than finding a rich man to settle with. He left the job thing, or his students and is more focused on the money any way you can pay for cosmetic enhancements. It 'set up a typical "poor finally get a good" scenario, not only, in honor of the filmmakers, not much play out as one.
Despite my prejudice against Diaz is actually very good here, and obviously has no trouble reading a total bitch. For me, however, the real stars of the film were his co-stars: the wonderful Lucy Punch, squirrel arch rival Amy, Phyllis Smith (The Office) as a partner, John Michael Higgins (my favorite lawyer Arrested Development) as the main and Justin Timberlake and Jason Segel as a potential love interest. They were brilliant and eccentric in his way, and Timberlake, in particular, surprised me with her comic timing and willingness to poke fun at himself (for a second I almost want to break my promise to refrain from Friends with benefits such as plague). Segel was also excellent, with its witty, offering some of the best laughs of the movie, but unfortunately her role was less than it should have been.
Having said these good things, Bad Teacher is nothing special. It has some funny moments and a coating, but almost anything that leans "fun" on the scale laughing. While it is hot and bold in some areas could not be seen as pushing the envelope in this day and age. This is not necessarily a bad thing, because some of the crap movies in recent years trying to crash more fun, but I felt that, given the potential of the premise, much more could have been done to make the movie much more fun and always so.
One thing to say about Bad Teacher is that directed the film strictly for adults who can appreciate the humor unjust and cruel. After watching a doco Waiting for Superman, I understand that there is no doubt that teachers, as bad as or worse than those described in this film, but it's worth remembering that everyone should have this in hand, and a farce.
Ultimately, poor teacher was not as bad as I expected to be, but at the same time, it left me strangely disappointed because I knew that it could have been much better.
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